Copyright 2008-2025 Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN   FRANCE

Indian Native American Navajo hallmark on silver

Indian Native American Jewelry Artists
 & South West Shop Hallmarks: P

Hopi Indian Native American hallmark on silver

Welcome to my website ! Last update on this page: 2024/08 - 11

Your help, corrections and suggestions are welcome...
Feel free to contact me: Alain,
(Only with clear back & front pictures of Indian Native American jewelry attached please, I'm not a mind-reader!)

Any donation to encourage 17 years of hard work creating this free database will be greatly appreciated!

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Shop marks > - Fake marks > - Unidentified marks >

Indian Native American & South West  marks, letter: P

P Preston Monongye Hopi Mission adopted Hallmark
Preston Monongye
Hopi 1
P and picto mark on Hopi jewelry is Preston Monongye
Preston Monongye
Hopi 2
Fake Preston Monongye hallmark
Fake hallmark
Fake Monongye mark on jewelry
Fake hallmark
P and picto trademark for Paquin's Arts and Crafts
Paquin's Arts & Crafts
Jimmy Patterson Navajo Indian Native American jewelry mark
Jimmy Patterson Navajo + shop
PT trade mark for Prince Trading Company in Kirtland 1970s
Prince Trading Co, Kirtland 70's
P ZUNI mark is Pete Paquin zuni
Pete Paquin
Pa -> Pb
Pa Patsy Allopowa Zuni mark
Patsy Allopowa
Pricilla Apacheto Native American hallmark
Pricilla Apacheto
Paul Arviso, Navajo Native American hallmark
Paul Arviso
Navajo 1
PA misaligned letters and handscript Arviso mark is Paul Arviso Navajo
Paul Arviso
Navajo 2
P. ARVISO handscript mark in capital letters is Paul Arviso Navajo
Paul Arviso
Navajo 3
P Abeyta mark on silver
P.?  Abayta
Pablito Zuni Native American hallmark
Pablito Anthony
Padilla may be Navajo hallmark on southwest jewelry
Padilla ?
Pamela Singer handscript hallmark on Navajo Indian Native jewelry
Pamela Singer
Pantho zuni hallmark on southwest jewelry
PA conjoined initials mark on jewelry is Alice Platero Navajo hallmark
Alice Platero
Paula Armstrong hand script hallmark on Navajo Indian jewelry
Paula Armstrong
Navajo 1
Paula Armstrong stamped hallmark on Navajo jewelry
Paula Armstrong
Navajo 2
PA Smith mark is Phyllis Smith Navajo
Phyllis Smith ?
P.A. Smith mark on Indian Native american jewelry is Priscilla Smith Navajo
Priscilla Smith ?
Pat Bedoni Navajo hallmark
Pat Bedoni
Patricia and Ed Becenti hallmark on Navajo Indian Native American jewelry
Patricia & Ed Becenti
Patrick Yazzie Navajo Native American hallmark
Patrick Yazzie Navajo
Paul J. hallmark on jewelry maybe fake Paul Johnson
Paul J. ?
maybe fake Paul Johnson
Paul Livingston script hallmark on Navajo Indian Native American jewelry
Paul Livingston Navajo
may be Paul Livingston fake hallmark
Paul Livingston
2 ?
Philander Begay Navajo mark on jewellry
Philander Begay Navajo 1
Pamella Benally Navajo Native American hallmark
Pamella Benally Navajo
Pc -> Pg
PC stilised mark is Phyllis Chavez hallmark
Phyllis Chavez
PC Della et Presley Curley Navajo mark
Della & Presley Curley, Navajo
P CHEE Navajo hallmark on indian native american jewelry
Pat Chee
P.CHEE mark on a plate isPat Chee Navajo silversmith hallmark
Pat Chee
Navajo 2
PD Coonsis hallmark on Zuni jewelry
P D ? Coonsis Zuni
Philibert Dennis Hopi Indian Native American jewelry mark
Philibert Dennis Hopi
Pearlene Spence Navajo Indian Native American hallmark on jewelry
Pearlene Spencer Navajo
Percy hallmark on jewelry is Priscilla Sam Navajo, daughter of Alice Sam
Priscilla Sam
Percy Spencer Navajo jewelry hallmark
Percy Spencer
Perry hallmark on indian jewelry
Perry ?
Pete Johnson mark
Pete Johnson
Peter Nelson Navajo hallmark on sterling silver jewelry
Peter Nelson Navajo
Peterson Johnson Navajo hallmark on jewelry
Peterson Johnson, Navajo
Perry Fred Hopi Indian Native American jewelry mark
Perry Fred
Perry Fred & Petra Lomson hallmark
Perry Fred + Petra Lomson
Phil Garcia Indian Native American Navajo hallmark on sterling silver jewellry
Phil Garcia
PG hallmark
Ph -> Pl
Philander Begay Navajo hallmark on Southwest jewelry
Philander Begay
Navajo 2 (PBB)
Philander B Begay Navajo hand script hallmark on jewelry
Philander Begay
Navajo 3
Philander B. Begat hallmark on cast jewelry
Philander Begay
Navajo 4
Philbert Begay Design hallmark on navajo jewelry
Philbert Begay
Philbert Secatero hallmark
Philbert Secatero
Navajo 1
Philbert Secatero inside a feather hallmark on Navajo jewelry from Nakai shop
Philbert Secatero
Navajo + Nakai shop
PHIL T. mark on indian jewelry for Phillip Tso Navajo
Phillip Tso
Phyl Zaccharie Navajo hallmark on Indian Jewellry
Phil Zachary
Phyllis mark on Indian Native American jewelry is Phyllis Coonsis Zuni
Phyllis Coonsis
PI hallmark on native american jewelry is Paul Iversen Navajo
Paul Iversen
Pinto mark
Phillip Iule Zuni hallmark on Indian native american jewelry
Phillip Iule
Paul J Begay Indian Native American jewelry mark
Paul J Begay
Peter Johnson from Moriarty, NM
Peter Johnson
(Moriarty, NM)
P. Johnson hallmark on jewelry is Pansy Johnson Navajo
Pansy Johnson
P. JONES active since 1980s Navajo hallmark on Indian native american jewelry
Paul Jones
PJT hallmark on Indian jewelry is Percy J. Tsadiasi Zuni
Percy J. Tsadiasi
a Star and Planet mark, PKW: PK Work Abaiyachi, Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
PK Work, Abaiyachi >>
Platero fne is Fannie Platero hallmark
Fannie Platero
Ramone Platero Navajo indian native american hallmark on silver jewelry
Ramone Platero
Paul Largo Indian Native American jewelry mark
Paul Largo
Pillip Long Navajo Indian Native American jewelry mark
Phillip Long
Paula Leekity Zuni Indian Native American jewelry mark
Paula Leekity
Paul & Nancy Leekity Zuni Indian Native American jewelry mark
Paul & Nancy Leekity Zuni
PL conjoined inside blason is Lennie Parker Navajo hallmark on Indian jewelry
Lennie Parker
Pl mark on indian jewelry is Loren Phillips Hopi signature used in 1970s
Loren Phillips
Hopi 1970s
Pm -> Py
P. Lucio handscript hallmark on Zuni Indian Native American jewelry
P ? Lucio
P.M. hallmark on jewelry may be Pauline MCCray Navajo
Paulene McCray
Navajo ?
PM hallmark for Phillip J. Morse Jr, Chippewa tribe
Phillip J. Morse Jr Chippewa
Phillip J Morse Jr hallmark on sterling silver jewelry, Chippewa tribe
Phillip J Morse Jr
2nd mark
Peter and Pansy Natachu Zuni Indian Native American jewelry mark
Peter & Pansy Natachu
Poseyesva and bear foot print mark for Phil Poseyesva Hopi
Phil Poseyesva
Hopi 1
Philbert Poseyesva Hopi Indian Native American jewelry mark
Philbert Poseyesva
 Hopi 2
Poyer Jimmy Navajo mark
Jimmy Poyer Navajo
ppj mark for Paul Peyketewa Jr Zuni
Paul Peyketewa Jr.
Zuni 1
PP Jr Paul Peyketewa Jr zuni hallmark on indian native american jewelry
Paul Peyketewa Jr
Zuni 2
P Platero mark on Indian jewelry
P ? Platero
Pat Platero Indian Native American jewelry mark
Patricia Platero
P Pete Sanchez Isleta indian native american hallmark
Pete Sanchez
Porfilio Sheyka, Zuni Indian Native American jewelry mark
Porfilio Sheyka
P. Shorty Navajo Indian Native American jewelry mark
Perry Shorty
Peggy Skeets Navajo mark on silver southwest jewelry
Peggy Skeets
PS Native American hallmark
Sam Pinto Navajo, Chile AZ
Phil Sekaquaptewa Hopi Indian Native American jewelry mark
Hopi Phil Sekaquaptewa 1
P bird track mark on jewelry for Phillip Sekaquaptewa hopi
Hopi Phil Sekaquaptewa 2
Phil Sekaquaptewa hopi silversmith hallmark
Phil Sekaquaptewa ?
Pete Sierra Navajo Indian Native American jewelry mark
Pete Sierra
Navajo 1
ps hallmark
Pete Sierra
Navajo 2
PS mark on Indian jewelry for Pete Sierra
Pete Sierra
Navajo 3
Pete Sierra Navajo hallmark
Pete Sierra
Navajo 4
P SUNBIRD hallmark is Paul Sunbird from Santa Clara Pueblo
Paul Sunbird
Santa Clara
P Taylor mark on Indian jewelry is Patrick Taylor Navajo silversmith
Patrick Taylor
PTG mark on jewelry is Phillip Guerro Navajo silversmith hallmark
Phillip Guerro
PTG hallmark may be Phillip Guerro Navajo
Phillip Guerro 2?
P Tsosie Sr hallmark on jewelry
P? Tsosie Sr
Puhuhefvaya and cloud picto mark is Fernando Puhuhefvaya Hopi silversmith
Fernando Puhuhefvaya
Puhuhoiya and quarter of sun mark on Indian Native American jewelry for Hopi silversmith Puhuhoiya
P V Byjoe is Phillip and Virginia Byjoe Navajo 1956-2003 mark
Pillip & Virginia Byjoe
P White mark is Pillip White Navajo hallmark on jewelry
Phillip White
Navajo 1
Phillip White Navajo hallmark working for Atkinson
Phillip White
Navajo + shop
PW NATEWA mark is Pitkin and Wanda Natewa Zuni hallmark
Pitkin & Wanda Natewa
P Yazzie hallmark is Patricia Yazzie Navajo
Patricia Yazzie
P Yellowhorse Patrick Navajo hallmark
Patrick Yellowhorse Navajo
P.Y. Zuni mark on Native American jewelry is Polly Yatsattie Zuni Indian hallmark
Polly Yatsattie
PY mark on Indian jewelry for Patrick Yazzie Navajo
Pat Yazzie
Your help will be very appreciated to name the following hallmarks:
Unidentified marks may be fake marks or not Native American
P Indian Native American jewelry mark
P 1 ?
PAC Hallmark
PA or PR hallmark
PAR hallmark, possible fake mark
Pauchi or Ponchi mark
Paucho, Pancho?
pb mark
PBY Indian Native American jewelry mark
P.B.Y. ?
  Pinto mark
PJS mark
PL mark
PL 1 ?
P.L mark
P.L 2 ?
PL Clouds mark
PL 3, RL ?
P over D or PLD mark
PMC  1 ?
pmc Navajo indian Native american jewelry hallmark
PMC  1 ?
PM Indian Native American jewelry mark
PM 1 ?
PM conjoined hallmark
PM 2 ?
PP Indian Native American jewelry mark
PP ?
PR mark
PR 1 ?
PR mark
PR 2 ?
PR mark
PR 3 ?
PS Indian Native American jewelry mark
PS 1 ?
PS and head mark
PS 2 ?
P.S. hallmark on Navajo ring
P.S. 3 ?
Unidentified marks may be fake marks or not Native American

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* Background image freely inspired by Verden Mansfield Hopi Bolo Tie, Alde Qumyintewa Hopi Bracelet, and Navajo Jewelry !

Copyright Association de Pech Contal 82330 VAREN    FRANCE